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Your sweet surprise is here: Cloud Reporting

Your sweet surprise is here: Cloud Reporting

People always bang on about knowing your numbers, but what does that actually mean? Spending hours combing through spreadsheets? Yeah, no thanks. Trying to make sense of data you really wish would just magically turn into a pie chart? C’mon, please! How can you know your numbers when you have to do hours of decoding and analysis to get to them in the first place?

Don’t get me wrong, if you’re a numbers whiz and revel in spreadsheets, that’s amazing! But for those of you sitting there with your fingers and toes crossed, longing for a more visual way to check your numbers, Shortcuts is going to act like Willy Wonka and grant your biggest wish… we’re launching Cloud Reporting! Check out #sweeterlife for lots of Cloud Reporting goodies!

Say what?

You heard me – Cloud Reporting is here! This feature is going to revolutionise the way you look at your business on the go. With this outrageously gorgeous tool, you can access your most essential reports in an easy-to-understand dashboard. From average spend, to service sales, to rebooking percentage, to employee performance – you can see it all in Cloud Reporting. The best part? View your reports on any, or even multiple, devices at any time – all you need is an internet connection.

Stunning reports

Seriously, they’re beautiful. The trading summary and employee performance reports form the backbone to your business – they’re the numbers you need to breathe every working day. They’re the key to knowing your business inside and out and making strategic, educated improvements to your salon, spa or barber shop. As we like to say, Cloud Reporting is here to help you keep your finger on your salon’s pulse by providing near real-time insights.

When you log in for the very first time, you’ll be able to view the stats for the current week – including your net sales, rebooking percentage, average customer spend and so much more! The next time you go to log in, Cloud Reporting will remember where you left off so you’ll never lose your place when things get busy.

Employee performance

It’s so important for employees to be able to keep an eye on their own success, so they know if they’re meeting your expectations throughout the year. Empower them to take charge of their own success and monitor their progress all from their mobile phone. If they see they’re underperforming, they can at least have the opportunity to reflect and take action. And let’s face it, staff are always going to try having their mobile phones on the salon floor – why not put their devices to good use?

Enter stage right, Cloud Reporting.

Multi-site magic

We’re no lolly shop, but we can absolutely sprinkle some pop rocks and make sugary goodness happen for those of you with a multi-site businesses. Cloud Reporting is about to make sweet stuff happen for your salon since it is so much easier for you to view your essential reports across all of your sites without having to dig out each report one by one.

Instead, you can easily switch between sites to view their individual reports, or you can choose to consolidate the figures for an overall view. Since Cloud Reporting is accessed through an internet browser, you can even open up several tabs to compare two or more reports side by side. It’s all up to you and how you want to analyse your metrics. Feeling the magic yet?

Anytime, anywhere

Just like our other cloud features, Cloud Reporting enables you to work with flexibility, in a way that suits you. On the go but itching to check up on the trading summary for the day? Log in to Cloud Reporting from your mobile phone. Keen to know how your employees are performing while you’re working from home? Your manager, Stacey, no longer has to email you the figures. Log in to Cloud Reporting.

If you have an internet connection, you can access this sweet lil feature.

Have that “I need this now!” feeling for Cloud Reporting? Yeah you do! Click here to get your hands on the sweet stuff today.