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The content pillars of social mediaBlog

The content pillars of social media

To start creating a framework for your social strategy, begin by getting to know the content pillars and choosing five or six content categories to cycle through. Here are 10 examples of content pillars that are applicable to the salon industry. Have a read, then take your pick!
Shortcuts Software
September 30, 2019
Jo Burgess Social SortedPodcasts

Jo Burgess Social Sorted

We chatted to Shortcuts Co-founder, Jo to hear how her brand new platform is going to make social media a breeze for salons.
September 30, 2019
Shortcuts Coaches Kamy & MariaPodcasts

Shortcuts Coaches Kamy & Maria

We get a bunch of questions from people wondering who the Shortcuts team are, where they come from, how they take their coffee (etc.) so we thought we would help clear a few things up.
September 23, 2019
Pauline McCabe Rock Paper ScissorsPodcasts

Pauline McCabe Rock Paper Scissors

While balancing a thriving salon and growing profile on the international fashion circuit, Pauline McCabe is getting ready to launch her biggest project yet.
September 9, 2019
Britney Reid Suki’s SalonsPodcasts

Britney Reid Suki’s Salons

Hear how Vancouver institution, Suki's Salons has remained successful in a rapidly changing city by tapping into a whole new clientele.
September 4, 2019