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7 ways to connect with clients while you’re closedBlog

7 ways to connect with clients while you’re closed

Even if your business isn’t trading (be it physically or online) it’s important to be regularly connecting with your clients. After all, you want them to be beating down your door once you re-open. We’ve pulled together 7 ways you can connect with your client base while you’re closed – that’s one for every day of the week. How convenient!
Shortcuts Software
April 22, 2020
The AHC’s Sandy Chong on COVID-19Podcasts

The AHC’s Sandy Chong on COVID-19

In amongst the craziness, we asked The AHC's Sandy Chong for her thoughts on how COVID-19 is affecting the industry - as head of the AHC and as a salon owner herself.
April 6, 2020
8 ways to promote your Rewards ClubBlog

8 ways to promote your Rewards Club

If you haven’t heard, Rewards Club is a feature that bring income to your business RIGHT NOW. You already have in your Shortcuts system and already paying for as part of your subscription. Rewards Club is a spend and save style program that guarantees immediate revenue for you, while giving additional value to loyal clients as a reward for paying upfront. And nope! It won’t cost you an arm and a leg!
April 6, 2020
Our fool-proof strategy to keep some cash flowing while you’re closedBlog

Our fool-proof strategy to keep some cash flowing while you’re closed

There is a long-lost little feature that you have already in your Shortcuts system and are already paying for as part of your subscription that could earn you cash money quick smart. It’s a win-win idea designed to generate cash for you, while rewarding your clients when things return to normal (hopefully sooner rather than later!)
March 30, 2020