Did you know that 87%of Brits tip and 74% consider themselves generous tippers? Today - we can pay for most things with plastic except those we appreciate and make our day. We are slowly becoming a cashless society and the service industry is missing out. Waiters, bartenders taxi-drivers seem to still get a cash tip but we have find that many companies in the hair and beauty industry do not seem to get their fair share. How well is your salon performing in the tipping war? Do you and your staff get the tips their good service deserves? If your answer is 'no', 'maybe' or 'I don't know' then more than likely it is either: 1. Your customers simply do not always have the cash to leave a tip. or: 2. Your business does not facilitate tipping via card machines because according to HMRC guidelines, as soon as gratuity goes through the business, the proprietor is liable to run PAYE for everyone who benefits from these tips. Not only an administrative cost occurs but the staff and the business have to pay National Insurance on tips because the transaction has…

ShortcutsJune 1, 2017