You’ll be pleased to know that we’ve made some specific changes of how Shortcuts will help you stay GDPR compliant. These changes will help you configure your software and allow business workflows to align with GDPR legislation.
For detailed information on how to install please download the guide here.
Best of all these changes are absolutely FREE* for Shortcuts clients. (unlike some of our competitors ;-))
Here are some handy tips and software changes to help you keep on top of your data:
How do you store and use your data?
You will need to create your own privacy policy in Shortcuts. Need help? Download our guide and we have a nice little example here to get you started.
Let your clients choose how they communicate with you
Using Set-and-Forget marketing, online booking pages or even in-store – allow your clients to choose how they prefer to communicate with you.
Online Booking Preferences
Your client will be able update their preferences when booking online as in the below screenshot:
Set and Forget Preferences
Your client will be able update their preferences when they receive an email from you:
In-store Preferences
You will be able to update a client’s preferences when they are in the salon:
Assign a Data Protection Officer
Not as scary as it sounds! Simply put in an email address of the person who will deal with unsubscribes and data requests (usually the front of house or salon manager) in the Data Privacy Setup.
Define an age of consent
Simply pop in the age of consent you require to keep hold of your client’s data. (We will set this as 16 as per compliancy best practice).
Need to remove outdated customer data – simple!
Just pop in the number of years you keep hold of non-returning client’s data.
Data Privacy Setup

Client data requests
Your Shortcuts system will now allow for data requests from your clients and you can choose how they receive this. Please don’t store any problematic data about your clients as they will be able to see this if requested. The data will be emailed to your DPO to check first and they can then send it to the client.
Keep a log of all changes
We will do this for you – so no need to worry! Please see an example of client data changes below:
Obtaining and storing client data securely
Any paper filing system falls within GDPR legislation. Stop using bits of paper and use online forms now! Opt new clients in on the go, take more details and book appointments in using Online Forms. For more information call or email our customer-care team.
Improved login system
The new login changes will require your members of staff to individually log in each time to improve security. PIN numbers will be linked to their user account to reduce the chance of other staff members guessing someone’s PIN.
Password Security
Clients are now responsible for all their own passwords. We will not be able to assist for forgotten passwords for your PC.
We hope that you are able to configure your software to better align your business with GDPR compliancy. We believe that the legislation is very important and advise you to take time to learn more about your obligations. For more information please visit the ICO website.
– The Shortcuts Team
p.s. We are also undertaking a special online GDPR training class for anyone who would like training on the new features. This will come at a cost of £35 per salon. Please email customer care to book in your training.